First-cycle degree (Laurea) – Bachelor – 3 Years
The 1st level degree course gives the student an appropriate command of general scientific methods
and principles, even when the programme is oriented toward the acquisition of specific professional
knowledge, and provides a solid base for those who wish to continue their studies with a 2nd level
degree or a 1st level master.
To be admitted to a 1st level degree course, you must have a secondary school diploma or a suitable
equivalent qualification. The 1st level degree course lasts three years. To obtain the qualification (1st
level degree) it is necessary to accumulate 180 credits (60 for each year of the course).
Single-cycle degree (Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico) – Integrated Master – 5 Years
Single-cycle degree courses do not draw a distinction between the initial three-year period of study
and the subsequent two-year period of specialisation; the entire study cycle is structured over a
single period of five or six years, at the end of which it confers a 2nd level degree (laurea magistrale).
The single-cycle degree provides the student with advanced education and training for professions in
specific fields regulated by European directives that require a high level of qualification (medicine,
dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and architecture) and for access to legal professions. To be
admitted to a single-cycle degree course you must have a secondary school diploma.
To obtain the qualification (single-cycle degree) it is necessary to accumulate 300 credits, in the case
of five-year courses, and 360 credits, in the case of six-year courses (60 for each year of the course).
Second-cycle degree (Laurea magistrale) – Master – 2 Years
The 2nd level degree, also known as a specialised degree, provides the student with advanced
education and training for professions in specific fields that require a high level of qualification.
To be admitted to a 2nd level degree course, you must have a 1st level degree or a suitable
equivalent qualification.
The course lasts two years. To obtain the qualification (2nd level degree) it is necessary to
accumulate 120 credits (60 for each year of the course).